Monday, May 22, 2006


We had constant heavy showers all weekend which prevented any work getting done in the garden. The little time we were in the garden was spent playing cricket with the older two kids.

It is a shame that the water butt I ordered on the 10th hasn't arrived yet. It's actually very annoying, because last week we got a letter confirming the order but in the letter was this little paragraph:
As I am sure you are aware due to continuing water shortages in certain areas there is unprecedented demand for our water saving products. Until June delivery times will be extended to between six and eight weeks of the date of this letter.
The letter was dated the 10th so it looks like we won't be getting the water butt until July! By which time the rain will have stopped and I will have an empty water butt just at the time I will need it the most. What is most annoying about this, is that there were no mentions of delay on the EvenGreener website where I placed my order.


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