Sunday, May 28, 2006

No Rain - A Busy Day.

It's been a full day in the garden today. This is the first time for a couple of weeks and looking at the weather forecast it would seem that today was a short break in the almost daily rain we have had recently. Here is the list of things we got done today:
  • Planted out the Fench beans in the top veg. patch.
  • Weeded the main veg patch.
  • Trimmed the back privet hedge.
  • Trimmed the sorbus. Actually this was a good hack back so that it doesn't take over the ferns and the bamboo.
  • Weeded around the damson tree and tided up the edge of the lawn between the kids play house and the small green shed.
  • Mowed the lawn.
  • Laid two more slabs to the left of the green shed. One more and it will link up with the path along the rear of the main veg. patch.
  • M. did loads of weeding around the phormium. I now need to get around to re-edging the lawn.


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